
So after all that preparation and panic, we pulled it off. It may not have been one of the best radio shows I ever take part in, but i thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless. We had a setback mid-way through the preparation of the show as Callum’s grandfather unfortunately passed away. This was some very sad news and as a team we lost some participation from Callum while he went home, understandably. However, we all pulled together and worked harder. I managed to edit together a package and an interview. As well as prepare myself and present the show. Presenting the show went different to how i had imagined it to. I thought i would be more confident, more chatty, and more relaxed. Those attributes all came, but towards the end of the show as i was getting used to it. I was also worried as I thought that I want to present but what if this puts me off? Then what? Thankfully it didn’t put me off, it just made me realise that I need to be more confident in front of a microphone. The only way I can do that is by getting more and more practise in, and eventually becoming used to the microphone and the fact that there are hundreds of people out there listening to me. I even volunteered to present the other Headspace show that I did.

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